

OctaFX免费模拟交易账户·$1000个大赛现已开放·-加入OctaFX今天享受在线最优的交易条件。充分利用最低0点差。50%入金赠金和更多! OctaFX Free Demo Trading Account · $ 1000 Contest is now open · - Join OctaFX today to enjoy the best online trading conditions. Take advantage of the minimum 0-point spread. 50% gold bonus and more! OctaFX akun demo gratis * $ 1000 * Contest sekarang terbuka - bergabung OctaFX online hari ini dan menikmati kondisi trading terbaik. Mengambil keuntungan dari perbedaan antara minimum 00:00. 50 hibah% deposit dan banyak lagi!  


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Octa Markets Incorporated (OctaFX)是世界著名外汇经纪商.。它由一个微型经纪商发展来的。[1] OctaFX向来自全球超过100个国家的客户提供外汇经纪服务业务。公司的业务由电子平台MetaTrader 4和cTrader实现。两个平台都支持Android,iOS和WinMobile操作系统兼容的设备,实现了电脑,无限上网的笔记本电脑,或手机等多种终端的接入能力

Octa Markets Incorporated 又名OctaFX 于2011年在圣文森特和格林纳丁斯注册。公司于2012年开始扩展,并将运营中心搬到雅加达,印度尼西亚。公司的目标市场是亚洲,但公司的客户已经遍布于全球100多个国家。2015年,公司宣布在伦敦设立办事处。[3]
最初,官方网站使用英文。2013年,网站被翻译成印度尼西亚语(印尼)和普通话,一年后,新增了马来语(马来西亚)。2014年,西班牙和葡萄牙的网站版本也正式公布。 2012年,OctaFX为客户提供了四种入金选项:银行电汇,libertyreserve,Perfectmoney,VISA /万事达卡。后来,OctaFX开始提供马来西亚和印度尼西亚的本土入金方式,并通过与中国银联卡的合作扩大其在中国的合作伙伴关系。除了银行和内部转账,该公司又提供电子支付的选项如 NETELLER和Skrill。 OctaFX的第一个交易平台是MetaTrader4。2014年,公司提供cTrader交易平台。基于交易平台,提供三种帐户类型,针对初学者的小型和微型账户,及针对资深交易员的ECN账户。在其相对较短的运营发展过程中,该公司获得业界的认可并荣获多项提名。公司于2012年成立当年已经获得首个奖项。OctaFX从2012年到2015年总共收获11个奖项。

OctaFX受圣文森特和格林纳丁斯国际商务公司行为机构监管。OctaFX受到金融服务管理局(FSA)监管。 2015年,公司被金融市场行为监管局(FCA)在英国授予执照

MetaTrader4支持Android,iOS和WinMobile操作系统兼容的设备。OctaFX提供MetaTrader4 微型和ECN交易账户。cTrader可以访问各种OC如metatrader4,此外,该平台还提供一些额外的功能。OctaFX提供适用于cTrader的ECN交易账户。

2012年,OctaFX获得 Global Banking & Finance Review授予的快速成长微型经纪商称号。
2013年,公司获得 Global Banking & Finance Review授予的最佳亚洲客户服务经纪商。并于同年获得World Finance 杂志社颁发的最佳中亚经纪商和最佳中欧东欧经纪商奖项。FX Empire 提名OctaFX为最佳客户服务经纪商。
2014年,Global Banking and Finance Review提名OctaFX为最佳亚洲ECN经纪商。在同年,公司被Forex Report杂志授予最佳东欧经纪商和最佳中亚经纪商称号。FX Empire授予OctaFX最值得信赖经纪商称号。
2015年,OctaFX获得Forex Report.授予的外汇行业杰出贡献奖和2015最佳STP经纪商奖项。

2014-2015 OctaFX 赞助PERSIB 足球队 。团队是一个专业的印尼足球俱乐部。OctaFX从事足球队的赞助广告活动。赞助不仅是一种公司的宣传活动,同时也是提供给客户的竞赛 。
2015-2016 OctaFX与ISL足球俱乐部Mitra Kukar已经签署了的赞助合同[24]。OctaFX将继续赞助印尼足球队


OctaFX免费模拟交易账户·$1000个大赛现已开放·-加入OctaFX今天享受在线最优的交易条件。充分利用最低0点差。50%入金赠金和更多! OctaFX Free Demo Trading Account · $ 1000 Contest is now open · - Join OctaFX today to enjoy the best online trading conditions. Take advantage of the minimum 0-point spread. 50% gold bonus and more! OctaFX akun demo gratis * $ 1000 * Contest sekarang terbuka - bergabung OctaFX online hari ini dan menikmati kondisi trading terbaik. Mengambil keuntungan dari perbedaan antara minimum 00:00. 50 hibah% deposit dan banyak lagi!  

OctaFX works with various liquidity providers around the world
OctaFX works with various liquidity providers around the world
OctaFX works with various liquidity providers around the world
AUG 8, 2016 3 views 0 Forex
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Deposit bonuses can only be credited to any MT4 account.
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Our advantages

OctaFX values every customer and does everything possible to make their Forex Trading experience with us positive and profitable. It has always been our top priority to provide our clients with high quality services in accordance with international standards and regulation. Our aim is making a trading experience convenient and outstanding, striving to drive forex trading to a completely new level.

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ECN execution

OctaFX works with various liquidity providers around the world – clients’ orders are sent directly to one or several liquidity providers to be executed on their end. Our system is designed to offer the best prices available at each moment to the clients. Read more.

Ultra-fast execution
ECN Broker
Interbank liquidity
Liquidity providers
The more liquidity providers a broker has, the better the execution for the clients is: more liquidity available generally means less price slippage. What makes us a true STP (Straight Through Processing) broker is that we don’t internalise the orders; instead we send them to liquidity providers, acting as an intermediary between the client and the real market.

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OctaFX免费模拟交易账户·$1000个大赛现已开放·-加入OctaFX今天享受在线最优的交易条件。充分利用最低0点差。50%入金赠金和更多! OctaFX Free Demo Trading Account · $ 1000 Contest is now open · - Join OctaFX today to enjoy the best online trading conditions. Take advantage of the minimum 0-point spread. 50% gold bonus and more! OctaFX akun demo gratis * $ 1000 * Contest sekarang terbuka - bergabung OctaFX online hari ini dan menikmati kondisi trading terbaik. Mengambil keuntungan dari perbedaan antara minimum 00:00. 50 hibah% deposit dan banyak lagi!  

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You will spend 4 to 10 seconds waiting for a reply in our live chat – the convenient and swift way to contact OctaFX!
Our well trained multilingual customer support is available 24 hours a day Monday to Friday to answer your enquiries and help you. The team are highly skilled and trained to comply with our corporate quality standards whilst providing efficient client assistance in a polite and professional way.

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We at OctaFX are the team of highly skilled professionals. We would like our clients to perceive us as a partner. We make sure nothing slips our attention, we are responsive, efficient and feedback friendly!

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